Hello out there in blogosphere land. My hopes and goals with this blog is to help draw attention to craft beers, and homebrewing. Especially in Oklahoma, both promoting breweries located in Oklahoma, and hopefully getting my fellow Okies to drink better beer.
So what you will be seeing here are my adventures with homebrewing, pairing beer with food, and cooking with beer. Plus you get bonus tasting reviews of various commercial beers, I won't be using a rating system of how good a particular beer is in my opinion. Instead I'll give you an idea of what I get out of the beer in terms of the senses, and how it compares to other beers of the same style, so that you can decide for yourself whether or not you'd like to try it.
I started homebrewing about three or four years ago, as a practice step to making mead at home. Life being what it is I wound up getting even more interested in beer, making many batches over the years. While I've only made one batch of mead to date, and I still need to bottle that batch. I've also started Cicerone training, so far I've only completed the beer server exam, but I'd like to go all the way to the master level. So many of these posts will be me practicing for those future exams.
There may also be deviations into wine, and other beverages. Because life is too short not to enjoy every bite, and every sip.
I'm looking forward to this! I'm really considering a trial batch of homebrew.
So I came, I read, and I'd like you to please send me some mead. kthxbai.